Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After...

Today is the day after the presidential election.

So.  Thankful. It's. Over.

I was excited to  turn on the TV, have a day when my telephone didn't ring (Hello, RNC, I'm talking to you!  Thanks for calling me 3 times a day for the last few weeks.  Boy, your persistence really made me want to register for your party...*ahem*), and a day when I could go back to actually liking my "friends" on Facebook.

Well, two of the three happened.

People are crazy.  On both sides.

The end.

I'm thankful that no matter who is the president of our country, Jesus is King.  God is sovereign and unchanging.  He is faithful, trustworthy, and good, and I can put my hope in Him all day long.

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