Monday, November 12, 2012

My Cup Runneth Over

"After plodding uphill for many weeks, you are now traipsing through lush meadows drenched in warm sunshine.  I want you to enjoy to the full this time of ease and refreshment.  I delight in providing for you.  Sometimes My children hesitate to receive My good gifts with open hands.  Feelings of false guilt creep in, telling them they don't deserve to be so richly blessed.  This is nonsense-thinking, because no one deserves anything from Me.  My kingdom is not about earning and deserving; it's about believing and receiving." Psalm 23:5; John 3:16; Luke 11:9-10; Romans 8:32
-Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

After many weeks of running, rushing, and squeezing in, these words were nourishment for my soul.  I had a day (today) laying before me with nothing on my calendar except for some sweet girlfriend time later that evening. 

How could it be?

Surely, I was missing something.

Something would come up, right?

Then I started to feel guilty as I thought about having a day to myself.  In front of the computer.  With no important projects.  No where to be, and nothing to squeeze in.

Then my Heavenly Father whispered to me through His Word, like He does every morning before I get out of bed.   He's so faithful. 

Receive and enjoy.  No guilt.  No earning. 

"When you receive my blessings with a grateful heart, I rejoice.  My pleasure in giving and your pleasure in receiving flow together in joyous harmony."

While, it may be early,  I am so thankful for my time, each morning, to spend sitting at the feet of my good and faithful Shepherd.  He blesses me so richly.  Today, He led me beside quiet waters and restored my soul.

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