Friday, February 1, 2008

Proud Moments

This week has been chalk full of proud moments. Thankfully, I've had my trusty camera nearby for most of them. You just never know when one of the kids is going to surprise you with something wonderful, so I think it's a good thing to have a camera on hand to capture it. That way when you look back on the day/week/month/whatever, it isn't as easy to remember all the other stuff you put up with.
That's what I tell myself anyways.

So far it's working...

First up, my growing boy! He's so mature that he is now shaving! OK, not really, but this was the first time that he agreed to let Daddy pretend shave him when we asked if he wanted to shave too. Since as far back as Pax noticing that Daddy shaves, he will sit and stare with awe when Scott shaves. We always ask him if he wants to shave too. He always replies "NO!" And that's that! This weekend he said, "Maybe, I try to shave Daddy?" So Scott lathered him up and found a cheapo razor in his travel bag that still had the lid on it and away they went!

All lathered up:

Working on that pesky stubble:

Nice and clean!

Next up: My little man again. This time we are having fun with our Aunty and Uncle. This particular Aunty and Uncle (who don't have children yet) think it's fun to get the niece and nephew all crazy and teach them wild stuff...We let them...because sometimes it is fun.

This week they thought it would be funny to play gang members with the kids...Yup...that's right. Here's my boy dressed up with no idea why Aunty and Uncle are laughing at him, but since he's getting a laugh, he's having fun.


Throwing out some signs (an extremely proud moment for me):

Here's my little cowgirl. We had Western day at school this week. We borrowed Pax's do-rag to complete the ensemble:

Pretty cute! She was thrilled to have her picture taken.

Here are my two little sweeties playing my favorite game of all time "Sleep" I know I have talked about it before, but seriously, I couldn't think of a better game in all of history. It is so wonderful, that I took a picture of it.

So quiet and peaceful...

If we could only play "Sleep" when it's actually time to "Sleep" it would be that much more beautiful.

I didn't have my camera with me tonight as we headed out for dinner. If I did though, you would have seen a picture of a clean plate. Pretty interesting, huh? This plate would've belonged to my daughter who ordered (from the kid's menu and Mimi's Cafe) a Soup and Salad combo! WHAT?! I was shocked. She ate almost all of the salad, and half of the (adult sized) soup. Which was corn chowder. Apparently, she likes chowder. She's never eaten either before...salad or corn chowder. It was amazing.

Even if I had the camera with me though, I don't know what I would've taken a picture of...the clean plate, my daughter eating said food, or my face of shock and awe. Really, all three would've made terrible photography, so thankfully, I didn't have my camera.

I'll show you what doesn't make horrible photography though...My son again. This time there is no sarcasm when I say, I was so happy to see this I couldn't even help it. I ran right for the camera and started snapping away.

That's my boy. Cleaning himself up, all by himself. I can't say the floor is that clean, but hey, we've got to start somewhere.

Way to go buddy!

Next week we'll work on putting the pants back on...that won't make for as cute of a picture though, would it?

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