Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kid Stuff

Yesterday our Auntie came over for dinner with us. So for about 5 more nights (give or take) at dinner time, I will be asked, "Is Auntie coming over for dinner tonight?" After both kids (at separate times) asked this question tonight, this is what Delanie had to say:

Delanie: Momma, is Auntie coming over tonight for dinner?
me: No, not tonight. It was fun to have her here last night though, huh?
Delanie: Yea, maybe she'll come tomorrow for dinner.
me: No, probably not.
Delanie: OK, maybe the next night then?
me: No, Delanie, Auntie works. She works all night, and then she has to sleep all day.
Delanie pauses for a second...
Delanie: She works all night!
me: Yup
Delanie: Then she just sleeps all day until it's night again?
me : Yup
Another brief pause.
Delanie: Wow! It's like she's a coyote! They are up all night too, and then have to rest at day time.
me: Yup, it's like she is a coyote...just like a coyote.

And in Paxton land today, little dude is battling a cold. Poor guy. We are also battling each other for a certain amount of independence in taking care of said cold. I would like to help him take care of the snotty nose, and he would rather do this:

This is what happens when he can get a tissue "BYMYSELF!"

My poor bathrooms. They are just getting abused. They'll never be the same again I'm afraid.

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