Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bringing in the New Year in Style

As most of you might have imagined, the family brought in the New Year in style last night. Thankfully, we all were feeling well, even though it was looking "iffy" the day before.

It's weird how much time has changed the way we (Scott and I) celebrate bringing in the New Year. I can honestly say, that I have NO interest whatsoever in staying up to ring in the New Year at the stroke of midnight anymore. None. Zero. Zilch. I am so content with celebrating with the folks on the East coast. There is just something so unattractive about the thought of me up at midnight and then starting my day just a mere 7 hours later.

Some people say that if they get a good 7-8 hours of sleep a night they are good. Some would even say that that amount of sleep sounds dreamy...I say, NOT I! I say, I LOVE me some sleep. Give me 10 hours and I feel like, well, like I can take on the New Year!

What could be better than getting 10 hours of sleep? Well, how about having some of your good friends over for some PF Changs to start. Next, let the kids get a little crazy and not care. Throw in some good conversation and some Wii tourney's and you've got yourself a great evening!

We were having so much fun we didn't even notice that we missed the East Coast Ball Drop! So we had to come up with something new. We celebrated with all the Central Time Zone people. I am sure they didn't even notice us crashing their party. I am sure that they didn't mind either considering we BYOSC...Yup, we brought our own Sparkling Cider.

Times sure have changed...and I, for one, have no desire to look back!

I hope 2008 is just as much fun and as blessed as 2007!


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