Sunday, December 30, 2007

It's a Triple, a Trifecta, the Third Times a Charm!

Well, we have done it. We have successfully (or unsuccessfully) managed to be ill for all 3 holidays this holiday season!

Some years are just like this though. I mean last year, we were a healthy group. Only landing a few minor colds. Then there was the Winter of '05-'06...I think I still wake up having nightmares about that year...Because some of you may be eating while reading, I will spare the details, but it was wrong on so many levels. Well, this year is shaping up to closely resemble that horrid year. I can only pray that I am wrong.

I should have suspected something when we all came down with colds in August. Paxton's got so bad he ended up with a severe case of croup that caused us to leave our family vacation early in search of medical attention, but trying to stay positive and hopeful, I thought it could have been just a fluke.


A week before Thanksgiving, 3/4ths of the house came down with the tummy bug. Last week right before Christmas came, Delanie came down with a virus that resembles Influenza. I did take her to the DR just in case, and also because I like to know what we are in for. Thankfully, it wasn't Strep or Influenza A or B. Just a virus...that lasts 7-10 days! Thankfully, by the time Christmas day got here she was doing well with just Ibuprofen 1x a day (at bedtime). She also needed about a 2 hour nap, daily.

Now that New Year's is here, it is Pax's turn. Poor guy! It is so pitiful to see them so ill, and there is just not a thing you can do for them. Of course we are keeping the tube nice and warm with movie after movie. And true to tradition, Scott has purchased another new movie to get us through. This time it was Toy Story 2.

I guess since Martin Luther King day is coming up soon, I know where we'll be...

I am holding out though because there are no cool sayings like: 4th Times a Winner!, or It's a Quadruple! We may be at the end of a streak!

Oh, I hope so.

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