Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's May 1st...

Normally, I don't make a big deal about the first of May. Oh yea, sure, it's May Day. I remember celebrating that holiday once or twice in elementary school, but normally, I don't take notice. Today, I guess you could say I noticed. Here are some things that happened on May 1, 2008:

Here is what it looked like outside in MAY!!

Yup, that's snow! Three inches of the fluffy big heavy snowflakes fell today (I just realized that fluffy and heavy shouldn't really go together in the same sentence, but I left it there for a dramatic effect just to show you how much my head is spinning because of my confusion over snow in MAY).

I don't know if I have ever mentioned it on here before, but I am not a fan of the cold weather. I hope this doesn't come off too harsh, but I better not see any of this nonsense again until at least November.

I think that was said in the most official "mom" tone I had, so you know I am serious.

Actually, I liked what Delanie had to say about the situation. She feels as though since it snowed in May, it shouldn't be allowed to snow again until December.

Here, here!

Speaking of Delanie, she also had an important day, this first day of May. Today was her "Mock Kindergarten Day" at her new school. She got to go meet her teacher, some of the kids in her class, do a craft, listen to a story, and have a tour of her new school.

Here she is before we left showing all her excitement for what was to come.

When we got into the car, her attitude changed just a bit. She asked when her friends were going to be there. When I told her they weren't coming, the look on her face almost made me want to cry. Then she asked, "Well, who will I know there?" And I had to tell her that she wasn't going to know anyone there.

Again, the look on her face...I just wanted to turn the car around and just say "Forget this whole kindergarten's just too much for us!"

I tried to comfort her with the idea that she would have this great chance to meet so many new friends, and that these friends would be with her at school until she was almost a teenager and ready for high-school. Surprisingly, this did help a bit.

She was visibly nervous the entire time we were there. I forget sometimes, that she is only five. She is so grown-up for five, but she is five none-the-less. All of my childhood memories of going somewhere new without knowing a soul crept back up in me, and I could feel every bit of nervousness she was feeling at that moment.

Unlike me as a child, Delanie will do just fine. She will have new friends immediately, and never remember how nervous she felt. Only how much fun she had.

Her happy outlook on life and sunny disposition amaze me daily. This is why God gave her to me...I learn from her everyday.

Lastly, I don't want to forget the way this looks:

This is my boy, who even though is growing up right before my very eyes, still (as of May 1, 2008), needs to take his nap.

I could just snuggle that long lashed boy all day.

Don't mind the mis-matched pajamas. Ya, we went through a couple pairs of bottoms today as we still are working on the potty thing.

While somethings I want to hold onto forever, others couldn't happen fast enough.

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