Wednesday, April 30, 2008

3...2...1 Yup, There it is!

I love that there are times when I know exactly what the kids are thinking. Being a mom and spending day in and day out with the kids, I know what makes them tick, and sometimes I know what they are going to say before they say it.

This has proven helpful in preventing what could be very embarrassing situations. Other times, when we are at home and in a safe place to make corrections or talk about what they have just said, I just let it fly on out of their mouths. It's at those times, in my head, I just do a little count down to see how long it takes before it is actually said.

Tonight, as we were working on our devotional together, Delanie was learning about perseverance. We talked about not giving up, and how sometimes in life things aren't easy, but that you should keep trying. She gave some examples of riding her bike and learning to read new words. I could tell she was uncomfortable with only using examples of herself and her own shortfalls. This is usually when she'll want to bring up something that her brother did that she feels is much worse than what she has done. Before that happened though I went ahead and read tonight's verse:

Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up.
But when trouble strikes the wicked, that's the end of them.

Proverbs 24:16, CEV

Delanie listened closely to the verse, and I saw her little motor running. She was deep in thought when I started the countdown in my head...3, 2, 1...

"Mom, you know what? Paxton is so wicked when he tries to ride his bike. He always gives up and cries"


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