Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Like Watching Her Learn to Walk

Like I mentioned yesterday, Delanie just got her training wheels off on Sunday. I thought for sure it would take her all week to learn how to ride with just two wheels. I just can't believe how quickly kids learn things.

While I was watching her, it reminded me of what it was like to watch her learn to walk. One day she was nowhere near letting go of the furniture, and then the next day she's taking a few steps. Even though there was a huge jump in ability, practice still was in order.

I remember what it was like to watch her walk those first few days. So wobbly, and instead of her deciding where to go, she just followed her body. The momentum of her body deciding which direction to turn, and when she would stop. Sometimes she would let go of the furniture and head straight to the ground. I would wince watching her, and sometimes gasp as it looked like she might smack her head on something.

Tonight was no different. Only instead of being one, she's five, and instead of walking, she's riding a bike. The starts and stops are difficult and the bike is still boss, dictating which direction she'll turn and how fast or slow she goes. I still wince and even gasp at each wobble. Just like walking, when she was practically able to run by the end of the week, I am sure she'll be ready to enter the junior version of Tour De France in a few short days. And sadly, just like walking, there will be a day when I won't remember what it was like for her not to be on a two wheeler. It's only through video and pictures that the days of crawling and scooting around still live in my memory.

Thank goodness for video and pictures.

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