Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Heart Smiles

It's funny how something so small can make you so happy. This list has made me smile every time I look at it. It's just a grocery list, but I feel like I want to save it forever in Delanie's baby book.

Delanie: Momma, I noticed we were running low on eggs
me: Oh ya, are we almost out?
Delanie: Ya, we only have one left so you will have to pick up some more when you go to the grocery store next time.
me: Yup, I suppose I will.
Delanie: Don't worry, I put it on the list so you won't forget.
me: You did?
Delanie: Ya, on your grocery list. Now you won't forget.

That's when I smiled for the first time, and I can't stop each and every time I look at it.

First, she spelled it right all on her own. Eggs isn't the hardest word in the world to sound out, but she didn't even ask...

Second, she used a capital letter and then all lower case after that. I know that this is difficult for her, and we have been working on it. You can tell by looking at the "g's" that it was hard, but she did it anyways because she wanted to do it the "grown-up"way.

Third, my girl knows the importance of the list. This is HUGE. Do you know where I would be in life if at age 5 I knew the importance of a list...Beauty, pure beauty.

When I come across this list in 15 years, I hope I smile at it the same way I have smiled at it this past week...because I am putting it in her baby book.

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