Saturday, December 22, 2007

Have We Let it Go Too Far?

I ask you, when do you say to yourself, "Self, I think this has gone too far."? As you have seen in the blog this past month, my son has really taken a liking to his Car's Hat. It's his favorite item this Winter. He wears it everywhere, all day, everyday. I have yet really gotten a chance to enjoy his new haircut because, well, he won't take off his hat.

Now, I am all for letting him wear it. It harms no one. It, actually, is kinda cute, and I have enjoyed seeing him so happy with something so small. However, I think we may have crossed the line.

Exhibit A:
I am getting ready in the morning and Pax is just hanging out with me. I turned to him and say,
"Oh, Pax, you sweety. You're mommy's little pumpkin head aren't you."

He replies in a growly, almost annoyed voice, "No, Mommy! I not a Pumpkin head!"

"Oh, Pax, yes you are! You'll always be my little pumpkin head." I reply with love.

Even more angrily "No, no I not! I your Car's head" and he pulls on the hat tightly.

Exhibit B:
Pax gets out of the shower with his Dad. He gets all dried off, and then, while my back is turned to him, exclaims "AAAhhh, now I paaarfect!"

I turn around to see this:

I assure you, there is no diaper under the black square.

Checking the mirror to make sure it's on correctly:

So, I ask you; Has the hat thing gone too far?

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