Friday, November 30, 2007

A Special Treat

Today was a Jammie Day. YAY for Jammie Day! When things get too crazy, I try to slow things down by making it mandatory that we keep the jammies on and just hang at the house. No running around, no getting ready, nothing...just playing, watching tube, and hanging out. I love these days. There is always some special treat during the day, and today I got two.

First, during a coloring session, I got to watch/find out that Pax really wants to be Joe from Blue's Clues. After finding a stack of sticky notes and a crayon, he sat at the table and exclaimed to his sister, "Okay Wanie, I got my notebook! It's time to write down the first clue...What is it? Oh, a bed! First you make the lines...then you draw it. Time for the second clue! " For those that know the show, this went on until he had successfully drawn all three clues in the notebook. After sister was done making her birthday card, she joined in on some Blue's Clues action with her brother. They then proceeded to take turns making up clues and putting them in their notebooks. I have been blessed with children that really love to play least for a good 20 minutes, but I don't want to ruin the memory with what happened when they ran out of paper, and then had to share a notebook. Instead, we'll keep it clean and sugary sweet.

Top that off with my boy reading to ME tonight. Yup, I got to hear Eric Karl's Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? It was so sweet and special. Of course there were modifications made. You have to know that a Wyan is actually Lion, a Stictor is a Boa Constrictor, and that the Wepard was a Leopard. Also, because it is a board book, the story was considerably shorter since the pages can be hard to separate. Lastly, that pesky Zoo Keeper at the end, you know, who wants to re-hash the whole book, animal-by-animal, must have been annoying to Pax because when we got to that page he kind of just let out a sigh and said "The End".

That's my kind of the book and the day!

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