Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shrek the Halls

Ok, I am by no means a movie critic. I cannot even pretend to be. I never like the same movies that the critics like, and frankly(and sadly), I don't have enough time to watch movies. Please don't take this post too seriously, especially if you are a Shrek fan.

Tonight the family got all bundled up and watched the ABC special of the night "Shrek the Halls". Ok, we may or may not have already been on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune, but when I saw that there was going to be some children's Christmas specials on TV I thought, "this may be fun...let's all gather 'round".

The kids were very excited to see Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, and the whole gang on TV outside of their normal movie rolls, and I was excited because I have fond memories from childhood of being able to catch Christmas specials on TV as well. I love Charlie Brown's Christmas, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and in the days of no TiVo, DVR, or On Demand, it was down-right special to be able to actually catch these shows on the night they were on and see them in their entirety.

I digress.

Tonight, Shrek the Halls was on, and we caught it from the beginning. I even had Scott set the DVR so we may watch it again if we felt the need. This was going to be special.

Seriously, I am not sure what I had myself set-up for! I guess, maybe, I was to wrapped up in my own childhood memories to really think about what I was getting ready to watch. If you can't tell already, I was not fond of Shrek the Halls. Of course both children watched it in their practically comatose state, and loved it, but I for one, was NOT impressed. I will promptly be removing it from the DVR.

I guess it wasn't that awful, it just wasn't as warm and cozy as some of the previously mentioned movies. I mean seriously people, who doesn't feel the warmth of the Christmas spirit when you are watching Lucy call her brother a blockhead about 100 times. Of course, there's that snugly little ol' just want to invite him over. Don't forget the abominable snowman in Rudolph, even if he does have a toothache, I just get the warm fuzzies every time he roars at the children.

Aahhh...The Christmas spirit and the movies. They really go hand-in-hand when you think about it.

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