Monday, November 26, 2007


Sometimes I wonder where exactly my girl comes up with stuff. I love that she has these wild hair-brained ideas that literally just pop right out of the sky. She has so many ideas/stories that still to this day, I cannot figure out where she would have ever come up with such a thought. I love these ideas so much that I cannot help myself but to pry, prod, and encourage her to get deeper.

Today, as we were driving home from gymnastics, Delanie informed me that she could hardly wait to get a chance to go back to Sea World. We were just there this past March with the Colorado Wright clan. Apparently, something about gymnastics got her thinking about Shamu.

Delanie: Mom, I can't wait 'til we get to go to Florida!
me: Oh ya, why is that?
Delanie: When I am there, I am going to go back to Sea World...You know the place with all the fish and stuff.
me: Ya, I remember.
Delanie: Ya, I think I am going to do something different this time.
me: What's that?
Delanie: I am going to get really brave.
me: really...why?
Delanie: Well, next time I am going to go where they feed those dolphins, ya know?
me: ya...
Delanie: And I am going to take one of those know the ones they feed the dolphins.
me: mmmhmmm
Delanie: And I am going to pop one right into my mouth and gobble it up!
me: WHAT? Why would you do that?
Delanie: Cause, I want to be brave and try know to see what it tastes like.
me: Well, if you want to try fish, sweety, you don't need to eat the Dolphin fish. You can eat fish that is for people you know.
Delanie: Ya, but I want to eat the Dolphin fish, you know, like Aunt Jen did when we were there.
me: What? Aunt Jen didn't eat the fish at the Dolphin exhibit...Why do you think she did that?
Delanie: Yes she did....When she was feeding the dolphins she said "ooohhh yummy"
me: you don't think she was just teasing?
Delanie: No momma, she ate the fish that the dolphins eat. I want to be brave too and try it...

Pax (in the most grown up and condescending tone)ewww Wanes, that's just sgusting...soo gross Wanes just sgusting...You can't eat fish that's so sgusting!

I didn't really know what to laugh at...the fact that this whole time (since March) Delanie thought that Jen had eaten the dolphin food, that she thought it was brave to eat dolphin food, that she wanted to try dolphin food, that Pax gave her a verbal tongue lashing about her choice in food, or the way Paxton says disgusting.

Pick any one of those, and you've got a winner!

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