Thursday, November 8, 2007

If the Hat Fits...Wear it!

It's a well known fact, for people who know me, that I have a freakishly small head. I own hats and sunglasses from children's stores...that are not for my children. It's just the way I was made. Delanie takes after me in this department. As a baby, when they go for check-ups, and measure the head circumference she started out OK, but by 9 months she was only in the 10%, and I would assume she has since probably stayed the same, if not fallen off the charts, because all the hats she owns, and currently wears, are size 3T (remember she's going to be 5 in just 2 months!).

This family trait does not hold true for Pax though, as we found out today. I however, had an inc ling that this may be the case a few months ago when he had found Delanie's bike helmet from last year (when she was 3 1/2) and automatically tried to put it on his head. I won't go into the details here....just know it didn't even come close to fitting (he had just turned 2)...I covered it pretty thoroughly here complete with pictures.

Today it was brought to my attention again, that either I have a VERY (insert freakishly again if you want) small head or my son is sportin' quite the noggin! He came to me while I was putting on my make-up and said he got a new hat. I, not paying too much attention to him, just casually said, "Yes, son, a new hat". As he turned to walk away I noticed 2 things: 1. The hat did not belong to him, and 2. As he turned at walked away, the hat didn't sling off to the side like it normally does when he puts on his dad's hats. This caused me to take a second glance at what/whose hat he had. I'm sure you don't need any help with was MINE!

OK, so the hat didn't fit him perfectly. It was a bit large, but the thing of it is, the hat doesn't really fit me either! Yes, it is tightened all the way! The hat did fit him well enough that he could keep it on while running around the house without it falling off, or, as previously mentioned, he could turn around quickly without it slinging off to one side. It fit him well enough for daddy to say "Hey look at that! You look great in that hat" then proceed to come into our room and tell me he thinks I officially have the smallest head in the house. With which I replied "NOT TRUE...Delanie and I can still share the same hats!"

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