Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How I Know My Son Has Grown...

With all the hub-bub lately with the holiday's and such, I feel like I am a chicken running around with my head cut off. In these dire straits, I have only one coping mechanism...LISTS! I can list out anything from to-do's to have-done's. Somehow, I feel much better when I see it out on a list, and even better when that list has stuff crossed off. So with keeping up with what I do best, I thought I would list off how I know my sweet little Pax is growing into a big boy:

He can reach the lights and turn them on and off (and on and off and on and off)

He can clear his dish from the table when he is done with his meal (and has only broke 2 plates!)

He is trying to be his own person by breaking out of his perpetual copy-cat mode. When Lanie excitedly pointed out that one of our Christmas ornaments resembled her ruby red slippers she wore on Halloween, Pax exclaimed "Me too momma! Oooh lookie this ornament looks just like my Crocs." The same, but different.

He is feeling so independent that he can cause a whole school to go into almost complete lock-down mode when his mother thought he was lost or had been snatched up. When I looked away for 2.2 seconds, as I walked into Delanie's classroom, Pax thought he would explore some other classroom...one with the lights off, door closed, and no one else in it! He had NO CLUE what the issue was, or why I was almost in tears when I found him.

He can give his sister a piece of his mind when he thinks she is making a poor choice

He can reach the locks on the doors, and lock everyone out, or himself in...whichever way you want to look at it.

He knows when he gets bigger that he just wants to be able to "Fly like a birdy"

Lastly, and most importantly, he was able to sleep through the whole night with out his paci!! Somehow, very strangely, paci got a hole. It was very odd...about as odd as the paci-fairy showing up the next morning with a new Buzz Light Year figurine. I guess now I have to see if he will make it through nap and bedtime tonight. Do not fear, I am under no assumption that we have licked the paci issue (no pun intendend), but we did make it over the first hurdle.

Aaahhhh, my boy's all grown up! Now, you'll have to excuse me while I change his diaper.

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