Monday, November 19, 2007

Miss Smarty Pants

So this is the year. I knew it was coming, and I was right. It's here! Delanie is officially old enough to find her Christmas gifts!

Seriously, up until now, I have been spoiled. I have even taken her along on trips to buy HER Christmas gifts! Not this year. I have tried to be very sneaky, but she has found 1 of her gifts not once, but twice already! Ok, it might be my fault, but I really wasn't expecting this.

I VERY discretely brought home a four pack of Magic School Bus Videos, that would be from her brother, the other day. I wrapped them in a King Soopers bag and brought them into the house. Success...she never questioned it. Then in all my excitement, and I shall add, after the kids were IN BED, I got the DVD's out for Scott to take a look at. We oohed and aaahed over the great find, and then I set them on my vanity while I finished getting ready for bed. Guess who walks in "I need more water." she says. I tell her to ask her daddy, who is standing by the the vanity! ARRRRGG Of course she sees them! She has eagle eyes for anything Magic School Bus related.

After Scott scolded me for leaving them out in plain sight, and I convinced Delanie that she need not worry about the mysterious DVD's on the vanity, I put them on my trusty closet know where all the Christmas gifts go. Apparently, said shelf is at eye level this year.

Delanie: MOMMY MOMMY!!!
me: yes
Delanie: Magic School Bus videos! Lookie lookie! Why are they in your closet?
me: uggggg Delanie, why are you in my closet?
Delanie: What? Lets watch Magic School Bus!!...Who are these for?

So there I went again, explaining some weird story as to why I have these DVD's in my closet, why she can't watch them, and why she must now forever stay out of my closet...Yes, I changed my hiding place.

If she finds them again, I am going to take it as a sign and just give the poor girl the DVD's! She will deserve them for crying-out-loud, and I don't think I can handle anymore on-the-fly stories anymore! Surely, she won't find them this time....I guess I need to find a babysitter so I can complete my Christmas shopping this year.

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