Sunday, August 3, 2008

Animal Emotions

The Girl has always been very good at letting us know exactly how she feels. Either through a full- on emotional breakdown complete with drama that could win a Daytime Emmy, or she will simply tell you just how she feels with word pictures that will not let you misunderstand a single emotion. Sometimes she does it when she is happy, but generally speaking, she does this when she is angry, sad, or frustrated.

Today, it seems as though she wanted a little privacy in the bathroom. This isn't always the case, so when The Little Man didn't budge on the first or second time she asked, she got very upset with him, stomped downstairs, and let me know just how it feels to not be heard.

D: Mom, I asked and asked Paxton for some privacy when I was going potty, but he wouldn't leave!
me: I'm sorry. Can I help you out with this?
D: No, Mom! I had to go potty right there with him in the same room. He just wouldn't listen to me. It's like he can't hear me!
me: I hate it when I feel like people don't hear me.
D: Ya, I get so frustrated when people don't listen. I feel very disrespected and frustrated.
me: Yup, I know just how you feel.
D: Ya, then I get really angry. I feel like I am a King Cobra with his neck all flared out ready to bite someone!
me: (paused for a second to soak in that picture) A King Cobra, huh?
D: Ya, a King Cobra that's really angry.

Come to think of it, I think I have felt my neck flare a few times in the heat of the moment.

I have never given much thought to biting anyone though...

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