Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Just Couldn't Leave Well Enough Alone

Remember my post about playing baseball with the kids? Well, we played again tonight. Hubby wanted to see the kids in action, and since he used to play baseball himself, he thought it would be a good time to give some pointers.

At first, I just sat back and watched, enjoying the family time together. I was also enjoying the fact that it wasn't me chasing after the ball and fighting with the kids as to who's turn it was next. I was a casual and peaceful observer. Then, I thought, "You know, I would like some video and pictures of this fun evening we are sharing together."

I managed to catch this on video.

Didn't I already know that was going to happen? Thankfully, no one was injured, but did you see how close that thing came to my face? Maybe not because really all you see is the flinching part, but it did indeed come very close to hitting my face.

I figured since I already had a close encounter, I may as well keep on pushing the envelope, and I just kept on video taping because, let's face it, if I don't video tape who will? Also, if I don't video tape and take pictures, then I get wrangled into being the ball girl, and I've already been there and done that this week. Thankfully, I was brave enough to take one for the team, and be the videographer. That's when I caught this triumphant moment. I think he does pretty well for a three year old, and since baseball is a summer sport (mostly), he will be allowed to play.

(Our rules for which sports our kids are allowed to play aren't really based on if the sport is dangerous or could be harmful, but mostly on what season they are in because I am a weenie, and I don't want to sit out in the cold and snow to watch any sort of practice or games.)

(I believe that style of parenting is not generally grouped together with the other styles of parenting that have anything to do with self-sacrifice.)

(I'm going to hang onto this rule until my children call me out on it. Plus, there are so many wonderful warm weather sports, I hope they will find one they really like and not want to be apart of any of those cold weather sports.)

(Yes, I know I live in a cold and wintry state, and the likelihood of me watching a game in the cold is very high. It's about as high as my chance of my kids wanting to play a cold weather sport, but I am trying hard to guide them in a different direction.)

(Plus, The Girl has played a winter sport. She played basketball. That sport is right where it should be in the winter, indoors.)

(Obviously, I feel extremely guilty about this rule and I am trying to justify it, so I will just stop now.)

1 comment:

Christina said...

It looks like you have some future ball players on your hand... Seems like you almost had that world funniest moment on tape.
