Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She's Doing Free Consultations Until the End of Kindergarten

The Girl realized today that she LOVES to talk on the phone. Before today she has had a few random phone calls that have come in just for her. Mostly birthday wishes or a congrats for a special day/occasion. Today though, she got a call from her cousin, just because.

She lit up, like all the other times in the past, when I told her the phone was for her. Then it was this whole thing of, "For me? Really? Me?" And, "Well, who would call me? Who is it?" And again with the "Me? The phone is for me?" All said with a smile and a bit of drama. You do know that The Girl has been described as dramatic by some, right?

At first she put the phone up to her ear and was kind of shy and quiet, "Hello?" Then that melted in about half a second when she realized it was her cousin on the other line and he wanted to ask her some questions about Rattlesnakes and Kindergarten. He's going to his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow, and he thought he should ask the pro. Apparently, he thought he was going to the pro with his Rattlesnake question as well. I don't think she let him down.

Her side of the conversation went like this:
"Oh, Rattlesnakes? Ya, I know about them."


"Oh, well they have this rattle on the end of their tails, and when they get mad they will shake that rattle at you to give you a warning. If you don't listen to that warning and don't respect their space then watch out! If they keep rattling and decide they are done rattling next they will curl up and the BAM they will reach out and bite you with big fangs. Their bite will inject venom into your blood, and then if you don't go to the doctor, you will die!"


"Ya, that's what they do."

She went on to talk about how she hasn't seen one in real life, but she has seen them on TV and in some books she got from the library. She also gave him a good encouraging chat about Kindergarten, her garden, how to catch moths the correct way, and how her bug garden/swimming area was coming along. Oh ya, she also talked about how to collect rain in a rain gauge so you could measure how much water all the plants and bugs were getting.

She was just about to start another really random topic when her cousin cut her off and asked to talk with The Little Man.

Smart kid.

I think when he asked his mom if he could use the phone, he thought that he would be able to do some of the talking.

After non-stop chat about science and Kindergarten, and not getting a word in edgewise, he realized if he was going to get to do any talking he better get the three year old boy on the phone. All The Little Man had to say was, "Oh hi, Cousin." and "Wha'chu do today?" and then a few "Uh-huh"'s were thrown in to show he hadn't left his post.

When The Girl got off the phone, she was glowing and said, "I just looooove talking on the phone!"


I better get an additional line put in the house.

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