Monday, June 23, 2008

Dirty Little Secrets

We are finally finishing out our kitchen project that started way back in February. Before we actually had done any work, we had thought we were going to redo the cabinets, counter tops, and the hardwood floors. Scott wanted to just do cabinets and counter tops, but I thought it would be better if we also did the floors at that time because they needed to be done, and I like to get things over and done with all at once.

After we crunched the numbers from some estimates we got, and got started on the cabinet piece of the project we thought that maybe we should hold off on the floor thing. We had decided that if we were going to have the floors refinished that we would also like to add more hardwoods in our living area because the carpets, well, they are lived on and were grossing us out. Hardwoods are just so much easier to keep clean than carpets are. So that increased our overall price and thus, made us wait for a later date. Well, that later date is tomorrow, and I for one, can hardly wait until they are done just because I am dying with anticipation as to what it will all look like.

While they are getting worked on, The Girl, The Little Man, and I are going to be staying with the In-Laws who have graciously opened up their home to us. I know we will be much, much, much more comfortable there than in our home with the dust and chemicals and such. Scott is tough though, he will lag behind and only stay the night with us, but will continue to work from home the entire time.

I will confess that I am very nervous about how it will all turn out. I also will confess that I am afraid it is going to take much longer than the 5 days that they estimated out for the project. I confess that I am also nervous that they (the hardwood floor people) are going to mess something up/break something/not do as good of a job as they say they will. I don't know why. Chalk it up to nerves.

The kids are beyond excited about staying over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They have been planning what they are going to bring for at least the last 5 or so days now. Delanie broke down this morning and had a little confession of her own while I was sitting contemplating the above issues.

Delanie: Mom.
me: Ya.
Delanie: I think even though we are going to be staying the night for five nights, I am going to pack seven pairs of underwear.
me: Really? Why?
Delanie: Um, just in case.
me: Of what?
Delanie: Just to be safe.
me: Safe from what?
Delanie: (breaks down into tears and puts her head down on the table)Well, I guess I should tell you now. (Voice is trembling through the tears)
me: Tell me what, honey?
Delanie: Well, OK, I guess you should know this about me...I had an accident at Grandma's house last time I took a nap there.
me: You did? (I totally already knew this, but never told her that my mom had talked to me about it because she (my mom) said that Delanie was super embarrassed about it).
Delanie: Yup, I did. (Still crying) I just couldn't make it in time.
me: Ya, I know, Grandma already told me. It's OK, honey. It was just an accident. I'm not upset, and neither was grandma.
Delanie: You already knew? (She wipes away all the tears)
me: Yup.
Delanie: (Totally calm now) Oh, OK. Well, I think I am going to bring extra underwear just in case I have an accident, OK?
me: That's fine with me.

Paxton also revealed something about himself today. I don't think he meant for us to find out, however. When nap time was over today, he wasn't calling for me like he usually does. Delanie had already come out of her room and down stairs and still no Pax. So I went upstairs to go and see what the hold up was.

When I opened the door, I noticed right away he wasn't in his bed. I had a feeling he hadn't been staying in his bed these past few days, but I never could bust him on it for fear that if he was in bed, I'd wake him up by opening his door. He was always very quiet about it. As I looked around the room I quickly found him. He was passed out inside his play tent that Grandma and Grandpa had gotten him for his birthday. He had taken Baboo into the tent with him and was curled up inside sleeping soundly. Outside the tent door were all the books he must have read before he hit the hay for the afternoon. I had seen books stacked up outside the tent door before, and now I know why they were there. He's been camping out.

1 comment:

Tara said...

She's going to be sooooo embarrassed that you told everyone about your big 5 year old girl having an accident at grandma's when she reads this in a couple years (or sooner, since she's a good reader). Good one, Mommy.