Thursday, June 26, 2008


It was time for some type of reward. So, I treated myself to a half day of summer camp. Not for me but for the kids, but really when you think about it, it was all for me. It was delightful to workout and then leisurely do my Bible study at the pool. I was so leisurely that I wasn't able to take that long shower that I had envisioned, but I was feeling good none the less with the short one I got. When I picked the kids up from their half day at camp, I was so happily surprised that The Little Man had not had an accident the entire time. He also didn't use the bathroom the entire time, and was about ready to explode when I got there, BUT he didn't have an accident. I decided it was time for a treat. I took them both to Tokyo Joe's for lunch.

Again, I guess I was treating myself there, wasn't I?

That's neither here nor there, but the good news is that they are now serving Mac and Cheese at Tokyo Joe's, so clearly, that place just became a family favorite. When they served our lunches to us, they also brought out chopsticks. The Girl was ecstatic. She's seen them before and knew what they were for, but since I usually get the kids Quizno's while I enjoy my White Chicken Teriyaki bowl, she's never had the opportunity to use them. She felt as though Mac and Cheese was just the dish for chopsticks.

Thankfully, they also brought out those chopstick cheater things as well as a spoon. Also, thankfully we were in no rush. The Little Man was not going to be left behind in all this chopstick fun. I was actually quite surprised. I thought for sure he was going to freak out in frustration over the whole thing, but he kept trying, and when hunger would win out, he would put them down, get his spoon, take a big bite of mac, and then go back to trying some more.

After a while of "using chopsticks" The Girl told me when she grows up she thinks she is going to move to and live in Mexico. I thought she was going to start talking about her love for the beach. Instead, she said she wanted to live there because she wanted to be somewhere where they use chopsticks all the time.

Something tells me we should switch our focus from science-type stuff to geography and social studies for a while.

Also, The Little Man says, "I wuv to use dese clubsticks, Momma."

And maybe a few other things.

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