Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So, remember last year when each day (or as close to each day as I could get) of November I posted about something I was thankful for?  Well, I wanted to do that again.  In fact, I had every intention of doing that again.  Except, it's only the second day in November, and I'm already behind.  I fear that this might be some horrible foretaste of what's to come.

However, while I thought about it today, I decided I wasn't going to let getting off on the wrong foot stop me from doing something I really wanted to do.  Plus, it's my blog.  So, you know, I totally make up the rules, and there is no one to contest them.  Score. 

I think the best way for me to keep up with this is to keep things very simple.  Maybe some days just a few words, on others lists, and maybe a real post here and there.  This is what I am going to tell myself so that I won't feel too overwhelmed, at least.  I think this exercise is important for me because I am feeling as though I really need to work on my perspective in life.  It's pretty easy, in this world, to see all the bad things around us.  People's negative attitudes, listening to others tear one another down, focusing on what's fair and what's not, etc.  But none of that breathes life.  None of that builds each other up.  None of that encourages, loves, or helps.  It doesn't help us see others, but keeps us continually focused on ourselves.  Which in turn breeds a negative attitude, keeps us focused on what's fair and what's not, etc. It's a vicious cycle.  Unfortunately, I can get sucked in pretty easily.  Thus, I really need to set up a focused time in which I concentrate on gratitude, thanksgiving, and praise.  It might sound silly, but in the few times that I have done this, it has done wonders.

So, here's to a Month of Thanksgiving 2011:

November 1:
So thankful for the beautiful weather that we had.  The weather reports told us that there was a blizzard waiting for us later that evening, but you would never have known.  So beautiful and calm.  I am thankful that I got to spend some time outdoors soaking it up before the storm.

November 2:
It was a snow day today!  I am so thankful for unplanned time off.  It's such a wonderful gift to be given a free day when you are totally not expecting it.  This lavish gift of time was not wasted today.  I never felt rushed and enjoyed living in each moment. 

I am also thankful for the abundant provision of a home, warm clothing, and food.  On a day like today, when it is horribly cold, snowy, and windy, I am reminded that not everyone has these things.  We have been blessed beyond measure to have what we do.

Lord, help me to be a good steward of the abundant blessings you have given to me.  Help me to see needs and be as generous as possible, knowing that when I "serve the least of these", I am really serving you.  Amen.

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