Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chlorine Therapy

I know it's Valentine's Day and all, but I won't be talking about who I love in this post. I think it's clear who has my heart. Plus, nothing too fabulous happened today. It was a day.

(For the record, I am TOTALLY fine with that.)

Oh wait, I did get to eat a Pazooki.

It was the Valentine's Special dessert, and it was Triple Chocolate.

That alone stirred up emotions in my heart that words cannot clearly express.

No, there is something else I have been loving for the last two weeks. I've actually been thinking of it as therapy for my sad, cold-weather-loathing heart.

The kids started swim lessons a few weeks ago at the local rec center. It's at an indoor pool, and they both take private lessons for 30 minutes each.

Can I tell you how happy I feel sitting inside at an indoor pool? It is so warm in there. It's also a little steamy. Lastly, the smell of chlorine just brings a happiness to my heart which draws up fresh memories of warm, sunny, slathered in sunscreen, relaxing days at the pool. I am not kidding when I say my heart actually skips a beat. For one hour a week, I get to pretend I am not in the dead of winter, but somewhere else.

Somewhere warm.

Somewhere were outdoor fun is being had.

Somewhere were the only goosebumps you get are when you get splashed by accident as child plays nearby.

Somewhere I want to be.

On Valentine's Day this year, I am reminded that February is half way over.


1 comment:

The Page Family said...

Ummm hello I LOVE Pizookie's! Did you go to BJ's or make it at home?...anyways I can't wait for summer also!!!!!!!