Sunday, September 14, 2008

We are Prim and Proper Here

Having a 3 and a 5 and a half year old leads to a lot of potty talk. I try to keep it to a minimum, but alas, my children have been caught many times saying words that most moms don't want to hear their children saying unless they are in the bathroom. Every time they are caught, they are remorseful, but still end up doing it again. They do try, though...

While we were watching some Sunday night TV, a commercial came on with Michael Phelps. Apparently, he will be on a talk show giving an interview. I am thinking that this talk show isn't of the serious journalistic variety, but more of the silly type as the question that they chose to advertise was one that asked if Michael has ever peed in the pool.

With that, The Girl turned and looked at me wide eyed. I just looked back at her like, "What?" I was trying to not bring too much attention to it. She just kept staring at me with big eyes, and finally said, "Mom! You probably should have muted that, don't you think?"

Still not trying to make it too big of a deal, I said, "What do you mean?"

That's when she leaned in close and spoke only out of the very corner of her mouth. Her teeth stayed clenched and her voice was very low and deep as she very condescendingly said, "That man said 'pee in the pool', Mom. That's kind of gross don't you think?"

The audacity of that Journalist!

Doesn't he know that young children are trying to enjoy some clean, fun, Sunday night TV?

The Girl would never be caught speaking of such things.

She saves that kind of banter for her brother and their farting contests.

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