Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nails and Shopping and Hair! Oh My!

I guess I needed a little break. I didn't feel too tired, and I wasn't burned out about anything, and truth be told, I really didn't feel like anything in particular was chapping my hide, but I felt like I needed a little break from life yesterday. Just because.

Whenever I feel like that, first I laugh because it ain't going to happen (yes, I just used the word "ain't"). Then I try to think of ways that can make me feel like I have the day off when really I don't. I already knew I was going to be spending yesterday with my mom and youngest sister for their birthdays, so I thought that would be as good of time as any to pretend to take the day off. You know, in the name of celebration and all. Add to that the fact that both children were in school at the same time for a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes and you have the making of some good quality down time.

So, first things first, on my "Off Day", I got up extra early and showered. Sounding like and "Off Day" to you already, isn't it? It's just that I didn't want to spend any of that 2.5 hours getting ready. I wanted every single minute of that 2.5 hours to do fun stuff or no stuff...whatever. As it turns out, I was able to used a good chunk of that time to get my nails done. Two thirds of the party was getting their toes done, and I have had an unfortunate big toe toenail issue on both feet, so I didn't want to waste precious polish on the tootsies right now, but I didn't want to miss out on the hanging-out-doing-nothing-while-someone-does-work-on-you thing, so I chose to get my fingernails done instead.

That right there should give the people who know me in real life, a good laugh. For those of you who don't know me, or who do and haven't paid close attention to my hands, I don't have fingernails. Well, OK, I have fingernails. They are just VERY short, flat bedded, and kind of ridgy. Since I can't grow fingernails AT ALL, I choose to just let them be and try not to attract attention to what I lovingly call my "Man hands". That does lead to sometimes making the ugly even uglier because the cuticles get over grown and the hang nails are out of control.

I felt like since I needed some maintenance, I may as well throw some polish on those bad boys. At first I thought I would go muted and natural looking for color. You know, as to not draw too much attention to the beasts, but then I threw caution to the wind and went with a deep wine color.

Because I was feeling wild and crazy.

I am actually surprised at how nice it makes my hands look. Even though the nails are so very short. They look good with their cuticles all nice and trimmed up, and there is not nary a hangnail to be found.

I don't think I can make this a habit though because, unlike toenails, polish on the fingernails lasts about half a day, and then it chips. So unless I am moving a manicurist in to my home to live and work, this new look isn't going to stay. But it is fun while it lasts.

After the nails and some lunch at good old Red Robin, it was time for a little shopping. One of my favorite stores in town is very smart and has put a TV in the dressing room complete with movies for the kids. I got about 45 minutes of uninterrupted shopping in before it was time for nap. It was fabulous.

After laying the kids down for a nap, it was time for me to go get my hair done. (See you have already forgotten about having to wake up 30 minutes earlier than normal in order to have this "Day Off", haven't you?) I spent the next 2 hours fretting over and getting a new 'do, as well as coloring over the old 'do's gray hair issues. I came home a whole new woman.

I celebrated by eating cookies and cookie dough after dinner and then turned in a little bit early after watching some tube.

Although the day was busy, it was refreshing. It included: my family, alone time for me, getting a new look, going shopping, and getting pampered. It did not include: calorie counting, exercising, working on proofs, returning emails, running errands, following any to-do lists, or blogging.

Pure bliss, I tell you.

Plus, the people (little and big) who won't let me have a real day off unless I go out of town, didn't even notice I was gone.


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