Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Baseball Banter

Thank goodness for a little Indian Summer weather! You don't have to know me too well to know that I have been soaking in every last ray. I am so sad to see the sun setting so much earlier each and every day. Truth be told, I don't get too crabby about the cooler weather until after the holiday season is gone, but I sure wish the sun would stay out longer. The shorter days kill me.

Since it was so gorgeous today, I had The Little Man out playing some more baseball this evening. I'm telling you, this kid can't get enough of baseball. It sure makes Daddy happy to see him so interested in sports, and baseball in particular.

After some warm-up swings with our Better Batter Tee (seriously, that tee has to be one of the best toys we have purchased), he was ready to go sans the tee . After playing a little while on his own, he realized that it was hard to be the pitcher, batter, and catcher all by himself. He was running himself ragged. Plus, with all that running around, it was hard to cheer himself on.

The Little Man has found that he likes to give himself little pep talks as he plays baseball. He says things like "SMMMAYACK!" each time he smacks the ball. Sometimes he'll say things like, "Get ready for my best shot ever!" Other times a "BAAYAM!" adequately describes how he feels when he really gets a hold of the ball. All this with the most serious, deep, even growly type voice. His face even has a slight furrow in the brow. The boy is serious. I thought it was cute when he tried to mix his interests a little and congratulated himself with a "Cachow!" from the Cars movie.

After all that banter had gone silent, from running all around and playing all three of the vital positions needed to get in some batting practice, he decided he needed to recruit some help. It was hard at first to understand exactly what he needed. He went around to all three of us, asking if anyone wanted to "Pway baseball with me". That was followed with, "I need to be da batter, but can you be da gluber?"

The what?

He wanted someone to play the "gluber".


He ran off to get a visual aide. As he came around the corner, I knew instantly what he wanted me to do. He had a baseball glove in one hand.

"Come on, Mommy! I will be da batter and you can be da gluber."

Ah ha, he wanted me to be the pitcher/catcher.

With a glove.

Or when you are three, "a glub", and that position is called "The Gluber".

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