Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Packs Super Glue

I was all over the city today. Seriously, I think I put over 100 miles on my car today. One pit stop was the dentist. The Girl and I had to get our semi-annual teeth cleaning. I never miss it.


I have been going to the same dentist since I started going to see a dentist. His office hasn't moved locations. It's still on the second floor. It does take up much more of the second floor, and also has a much bigger door way/entry thingy going on since they remodeled a few years ago, but pretty much everything else has stayed the same. I even sit in the same office chair I did when I was five.

I trust my dentist, and until he retires (what a horrible day that will be)I will continue to go every six months, on the dot. I have never been afraid of the dentist, like some people who will remain nameless, but those same people would say it's because I have "good teeth". Whatever that means. I brush, I floss, and I see my dentist every six months. I am a model patient, ifIdosaysomyself. I hope my kids feel the same way about the dentist as I do. Which is why I bring them to the same dentist I go to.

Even though his office is all the way across town.

So far, The Girl loves the dentist as well. She gets all giddy with excitement when our appointment day arrives. She loves having her teeth checked, sitting in the big chair, wearing a bib, having her teeth polished, and then getting her free toothbrush and tooth paste at the end of her cleaning. She likes trying to figure out which tall building belongs to the dentist, and heading up the steps to the second floor. As we walked into the building she said, "You know, Mom, it's so much nicer to come here without brother."

I have no idea what she's talking about.

As much as I love my dentist, I do NOT like one single word of a phrase he uttered to me during The Girl's cleaning today. He said, "Well, well. It looks like we have 2 loose teeth!" The Girl shrieked with joy. I tried my hardest not to crumple into a pile of tears.

It's not even her bottom teeth, people. It's her top two front teeth. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? I don't even get to ease into this transformation easily? Seriously, this is like doing a cannon ball into this next phase in life as opposed to just wading in gently.

In a few short weeks (read months, if I can help it), my baby's face will be forever changed. Her whole look will change. Don't even get me started on my feelings about the stage in life where your new adult teeth grow in. Our hygienist was sweet and said, "Oh, she's so cute it won't matter that she's lost her teeth. She'll probably even be cute when her adult teeth come it."

Ya, I totally have seen so many kids look "cute" during this phase.

We should be just fine.

This transition is proving to be more difficult than starting Kindergarten.

I told her when her teeth fall out, I was going to glue them back in. She said I was being "silly".

I was totally serious.

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