Thursday, September 25, 2008

She's so Lady-Like

After nap, the kids like to go outside and play in the back yard. I love this too. Especially as we try to take advantage of the last bit of summer. After too long, the kids will be inside, in front of the tube, running around wildly, using outside voices inside, or all of those things at the same time.

The Girl came running in at some point to use the restroom. The Little Man wasn't but a few minutes behind her. He hates being outside for too long without her. I guess he needed to use the facilities as well. He didn't even bother knocking. He just burst right through the closed door, and into this conversation:

D: BRO!!! Get out of here! I am trying to go potty!
P: ME TOO! I have to go so bad, Wanie!
D: OK, I am done you can come in if you want. (Brief pause) But I don't want to hear about how disgusting it smells in here though OK?
D: I'm serious, Bro, I really bombed it out in here, and I don't want to hear how gross it is, OK?
P: OK, I won't say anything.


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