Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Christmas card season is upon us. I don't mean that I think they should be sent out yet, but that if I am going to get a card out with a picture, I have to get working on it. Oh sure, I have pictures from all year long that I could choose from, but then I couldn't torture myself with a high pressure photo shoot with the kids. Frankly, that's where all the fun is at. I think kids of photographers have to be the most difficult kids to get pictures of. They are so numb to the camera and being posed, they can't help but just act out. Here's proof of my children's PCS (Photographer's Child Syndrome).

First up, remember the problem I was having with The Little Man not knowing how to smile naturally for pictures these days? Well, we are still dealing with said problem. I realize that this isn't PCS per say, but more just an age thing. Nonetheless, it's still an issue.

Here is saying, "What do you mean I am not smiling normal?"

"You mean like this?"

What? I have to have my eyes open? I need to look at the camera?" What's a natural smile with a just a little teeth?"

Then there is The Girl. She loves the attention of the camera, but gets bored waiting for brother to get the smile right. When The Girl is bored, she gets silly. Today, she also had a problem with blinking from the strobe. So, I got quite a few pictures of this look:

That look is completely natural.

Put the two together and it's pure insanity.

Here we are, I am trying to get a natural smile out of The Little Man by making silly comments.

It really wasn't that funny.

A very natural and cute smile from The Little Man. The Girl is still over doing it by just a smidge.

Nothing here but pure goofiness and disobedience:

More crazy antics:

Here I was focusing on The Little Man. Just trying for both, that natural smile and eye contact. Meanwhile, someone else needed reigning in:


Thankfully, we still have Halloween candy left over. I whipped out my super duper Mom Skillz, and bribed the heck out of them.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

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