There have been a few things here and there going on that I wanted to blog about, but were of no real sustenance so I just kept them to myself. Now I have a big ol' list of stuff that still has no real interest to anyone except for maybe me, but I thought I would share anyways because, let's be honest, isn't that what I have been doing for the past 10 or so months? Why stop now?
1. I think I can officially say that The Little Man is potty trained. Because I have just typed that out, I can pretty much guarantee that I will be doing nothing but changing his clothing all day due to accidents, but I am willing to risk it. Don't be fooled. Just because he is using the potty now doesn't mean we are mess free around here. We are still working on the aim and, oh my, do we have our work cut out for us. I am determined to have a son who will not drive any future wife he has insane with being a bad shot in the bathroom.
2. We have started school shopping. AAACCKKK! I can't believe it is already here! First, my baby is way too little to start Kindergarten. Secondly, where did the summer go? Seriously, my favorite time of the year has flown by with barely a blink of an eye. Before long I will be back in jeans and sweaters and grumbling about the snow and cold.
I just got the heeby jeebies typing that out.
Have mercy.
Along with that, we have to buy school uniforms. I feel very blessed in the fact that The Girl will be going to a school that requires uniforms, and they are very strict with their uniforms. My feelings on this could be a whole other post, and that isn't the point of this blog, so I will just say when we were trying on pants, my baby girl fit into a size 6! A SIX! Do you know how big that is? It is such a far cry from her little baby onesie that she came home from the hospital in, that I was nearly in tears.
I should be totally fine on her first day of school...
3. Going along with the school thing, The Girl has had some "summer homework". It has been just shy of a nightmare to get her to complete it. Seriously, if this is what it is going to look like for the next 12 years, then we are in trouble. The thing is, what she has to do is so super easy for her, I cannot for the life of me figure out why she spends ALL MORNING on it. Before I get ugly here, that's all I am going to say. I am sure there will be a whole new category to this blog in the near future called "Homework Nightmares".
4. Since watching all six of the Star Wars episodes, my son has a new fascination for "Lipe Sabers", sword fighting, killing people, dying, and chopping off heads. I'm very proud. Everything can be a "Lipe Saber" from the forks we eat with to a random branch he finds on the ground. Instead of saying "Hey Wanie, you want to pway Mommy and Baby and I'll be da baby?" he says, "Hey Wanie, you want to fight me? Pretend I will cut off your head and you will die."
In defense of my parenting skills (or lack there of) he was kind of already doing a lot of these things
before we let him watch Star Wars. It's like an innate thing for the male species to want to sword fight and shoot stuff. Now he just has names for things, and is mastering specific moves and techniques.
5. Along with Good Guys and Bad Guys theme, The Little Man is also very into Super Heroes. Specifically he likes Superman and Batman. I don't know how he even knows about these guys except for some really good marketing in the toy department at Super T. Tonight he asked me, "Momma, can you sign me up for Superman camp?" I started laughing and said, "Buddy, you are so silly!" He replied with wide eyes and an embarrassed look on his face, "Just joking, mom! I just being silly!" Then there was a long pause after we caught our breaths between giggles. "If dere is Superman camp, can I go?" I said he could because, let's face it, if there was a Super Man camp, it would be so totally awesome for a three year old.
6. I have been on a major soap box lately. This time I am going nutso about food. I can't get over how expensive it is to feed our family and do so healthfully. I am so sick of being penalized in the pocketbook because I don't want my family to eat junk. Hubby is being patient with me as I work out what is and is not allowed in our home any longer. After grocery shopping today he said he did have to put his foot down. He was angry at the bread I brought home. He said, "I understand that you don't want us to eat food made out of junk, but this is where I draw the line. I can't eat peanut butter toast on this kind of bread!" (It was a whole wheat organic bread).
"Really?" I came back with. "Why not?"
"Because, it is just too heavy and it takes forever for it to digest. I just want normal bread, and I won't eat this stuff...Sorry you'll just have to go back and get our regular stuff."
All explanation to him from me was lost. He wanted to hear nothing of it. He ended the conversation with, "Hon, there's a reason why people buy so much food with junk in it....It just tastes better. I like to eat junk."
There you have it. He no longer has any argument or basis when trying to complain about my cooking.
7. Speaking of the Hubby, we just celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. I cannot believe he has put up with me this long. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.
Hon, you are such a great husband. You are a generous, trustworthy, funny, spontaneous, hardworking, crazy-wild, smart, God-fearing man. I am so thankful to have you as a husband and as the father of my children. Thank you for eight great years. I can't wait to see what the next eight has in store.
That is a little of what's been going on in our part of the world.