Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankfullness Happens on the Weekends Too!

So, I realized that my blog doesn't even cross my mind on the weekends!  I've kind of set it up that way a long time ago.   Extra time we have on weekends is dedicated to family time.  So, with that said, I didn't even consider the "Thankfulness Blog" until this afternoon.  I do remember what I am thankful for, so thankfully (pun is so intended there) we won't miss a beat.

On Saturday, I was thankful to just get through the day with my mind in tact...somewhat.  OK, OK, so that's not really an expression of gratitude, but a somewhat passive aggressive complaint.  Although, Saturday was INSANELY busy, I do have something I am thankful for.  I am thankful that I had a chance to catch up with people.  In the afternoon, we spent some time at my mom's house, and had a chance to catch up with all my sisters and their spouses. 

Then that evening I spent some time with the ladies from our church.  We had a fun event called "Speed Friending."  It's just like speed dating except I didn't go home with a love connection.  Instead, I left feeling like I got a chance to get to know some of the women that I didn't know previous.  I did leave with two dates, though.  I am thankful that I will be able to get to know these two other ladies just a bit better.

So to sum up Saturday, I am thankful for friendships.  I am thankful that I have people in my life who desire to know me, love me, and live life with me.


On Sunday, The Girl, woke up feeling pretty horrible.  She had been brewing an illness since Friday evening and by Sunday it was rip roaring.  Poor girl has no voice, a horribly sore throat, and a slight fever.

So, I am thankful that I haven't heard her speak for two full days.



No, really I am thankful for The Hubs who graciously stayed home with her while I attended church on Sunday (and he stayed home with her this morning too, so I could make it to a Spin class).  Even though The Hubs had to spend a good chunk of his Saturday watching the kids while I was out maintaining friendships, he sacrificially gave up his time at church so our girl could mend.


Each year, I make each child a montage of pictures from their past year, and it goes along with music that speaks to my heart about that child.  Just this past weekend I had a thought run across my mind that reminded me that I had NO CLUE what music I was going use for The Girl's upcoming EIGHTH BIRTHDAY.  Mercy.  Usually, throughout the year, I will hear a song or four that I love because it makes me think about my kid(s).  I don't know what happened this year, but I have nothing!  Then, this morning I went to spin class.  Now, spin class is not exactly the first place that I think of when I think about going somewhere to hear music that makes me think of my kids.  However!  Today, there was a song that was totally perfect for The Girl.  I won't give it away until her montage is put together, but today I am thankful that I found The Girl's song.   Especially, since just recently, it has been weighing on my mind.

I just love how He is in all the little details.

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