Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, Running, and a Horrible Movie

There are a few things I am thankful for today.  Let me count the ways:

1. Hello, Friday!  I am so thankful for you!  For whatever reason the last two weeks have been a little extra exhausting.  I am so thankful for the week to come to a close and have the entire weekend to spend with my family.  Having the chance to sleep a bit longer on Saturday mornings beckons me all week long, and finally, I've arrived!

2. I am thankful for a chance to go for a long run with my Hubby today.  I am thankful that we share this common interest, and sometimes he will agree to take some time off in the middle of his work day to join me for a run.  Today, he even sacrificially gave up his normal pace so that he could run beside me all six miles.  It's so nice to have a running buddy, and it's even better that it's my husband.

3.  I was very thankful for the movie we rented tonight to come to an end.  We somehow thought that the recent Disney version of A Christmas Carol might be a good choice for a movie tonight.   (Oh, that trailer seems so stinkin' innocent, doesn't it!)


If you have small kids don't be misled that this movie is made for kids just because it's a Disney flick.  It was pretty horrible and terrifying the entire way through.  There were times I turned away.  Plus, the language they used was so way over the top of any child's understanding (well at least the 8 and under crowd).  I know that there is a website out there that you can look movies and books up on before allowing your kids access to them.  Now, if I could just remember to use it.

I'm sure tonight's sleepless night due to nightmares may just cement this fact into my mind.

1 comment:

~she~ said...

6 miles...I'm so jealous! 3.5 is my max.