Wednesday, December 17, 2008

They're Bouncing Off the Walls

Just a few more Christmas pictures of the kids. I only wish that the reality of these pictures actually existed.

Not so much.

These shots were taken after HEAVY bribery. They look so serene. So well behaved. So not hopped up on holiday sugar...

The black and white version...

Hanging an ornament

We will need some sort of sugar detox after the holidays are over. I don't even want to think about what photo shoots will be like from here on out...LOTS of sugar.

I've shot myself in the foot.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Gorgeous pictures Mandie! This is Sarah's old Vegas neighbor again ... i still check your blog from time to time because i love it ... and your pictures are SO breathtaking! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas~