Monday, December 15, 2008

A Fan of Jack Frost, I Am Not

Um, -10 degrees? Excuse me? TEN BELOW! That, my friends, is INSANE! I guess it actually got to -18 earlier in the morning while we still slept. I totally thought about keeping The Girl home from school, but felt a titch irresponsible about that, and she would never allow for such a thing to occur. I'll have to remember that for when she's a teenager. No, we got bundled up and headed out for the day just like we do every Monday morning. It was just FREEZING that's all.

I'll admit it was pretty to see the world frozen. Since it was sunny out, everything sparkled like it had been covered with glitter. Add to that all the steam coming out of the smoke stacks of each of the homes, and it was a very wintry scene indeed. I tried my hardest not to be too irritated. Our dog definitely didn't help in that department. She doesn't know what to do with herself either in such cold weather. So she just did what she does best, drive me nuts.

All day long.

She has an issue with her water bowl. Well, actually she has many issues, but the water bowl is what the main issue was today. For some unknown reason, she cannot drink from her water bowl if it is inside the house. (Trust me this is only the tip of the ice burg. The dog has a serious case of the crazy's). Well, this weird thing happens to water when it is sitting outside and it's below zero for most of the day.

It freezes.

So, she begs to go outside because she is thirsty. I let her out. She stands and stares at her water bowl thinking, "Gee, now what am I going to do? My water seems to have frozen solid." I see her contemplating her options, and go quickly to fill up our water pitcher with warm water to fill up the bowl. While I am doing that, she goes down the stairs of the deck, and fills her belly up with snow. Then she decides it's way too cold to stay outside, and she wants in. RIGHT NOW PLEASE. No, no, she cannot drink the warm water from the bowl. She is way too cold now. "LET ME IN PLEASE!" she yelps and scratches. We let her in, the warm water freezes, we start all over again in about 7 minutes.


My heating bill is sky rocketing as we speak.

Tomorrow, I am totally calling her bluff. She is drinking water INSIDE whether her "craziness" can handle it or not.

And, also, I am adding this to her Christmas wish list.

PLEASE! I am begging someone.

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