Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello There


Deep breaths.

I made it through last week.

Now, smooth sailing is ahead.


Fun stuff happening around here:

1. A totally clear calendar this week! Whoohoo! Now, let's just hope I don't fall into the temptation to fill it because it's blank.

2. Working on organizing a baby shower. This little one will be here before we know it! I just hope he hangs in there for his momma's photo session in two weeks! I think we are totally pushing it...no pun intended!

3. The Little Man's newly redone furniture is almost all re-done! Hubs started the last piece tonight! I should have that room complete by next week. Then it's onto The Girl's room. Did I mention yet that I thought it would be fun to redecorate the kids' rooms this summer?

Because I wasn't busy enough.

4. We finally made it to the zoo this week! We hadn't been since last year. I've kind of missed it. The kids REALLY missed it. They had so much fun with their cousins and all the animals. It kind of made me miss our season passes.

Kind of.

The drive there reminded me that once a year is probably enough.

5. The Little Man got hits both times he was up to bat this weekend at baseball. It was coach pitch for 5 balls and then T-ball after that. Last time they tried this, The Little Man used the "T". This time he had hits both times he was up at bat! He was so happy and proud.

6. We had family pictures done with The Hubs' side of the family. Can't wait to share those.


We'll see how the hair looks first.

It's called priorities, people.

7. Picked our first round of green beans from the garden this morning. It was a good size group. Probably enough for two dinners. I can't wait to munch them. We also got one jalapeno and a handful of snow peas. The cucumbers (who were totally destroyed by hail earlier this year) are finally flowering. I have to say, I am not expecting much from our garden this year. Something about the lack of, oh what, SUNSHINE that is making it pretty darn impossible to grow anything. Add to that, hail storm after hail storm, and you get a pretty weak garden.

Also, I need to figure out what in the world I am doing wrong with my cilantro. After snipping it (to eat), it is growing back with just flowers? I guess I could Google "harvesting cilantro" and figure it out, but if you know what's up with that, let me know. Thanks.

It just goes to show, at some point, you actually have to know what you are doing in order to garden successfully. All these years of just throwing seeds into the dirt and actually harvesting food have jaded me.

8. We are getting closer to having work done on our house. Paint, roof, and a shed are in order. We thought we would get started on it next month, but seeing as how there was yet another devastating hail storm along with tornadoes last night AFTER TEN PM, I think we may hold off until September. Surely we should have a small window between hail and tornadoes and record breaking blizzards.


Hopefully, with the wide open calendar this week, I may get to blog more than just lists.

Novel, I know.

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