Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The First of Many, I'm Sure

First off, I was crabby yesterday! Whew! I am much better now. I don't know what that was, but I had a fever for three days and nothing else. No sore throat, no swollen glands, no runny nose, or headache...weird. All that matters is that I am better. Sorry for the crabbiness.

Today, thankfully, was also a beautiful day outdoors, so I didn't miss the nice weather totally. Since it has been so nice lately, the kids have been outside so much more. It's these times that I wonder how I even kept my sanity during the winter months when we are all locked inside together day after day.

The Little Man has been getting so much braver these days. Last year, it was an achievement for him to be able to climb the ladder into the top of the swing set fort. This year he is jumping out of the fort without the aid of a ladder. I swear, he hits the ground so hard sometimes, I can't help but cringe.

Today, he thought he was brave enough to jump from the ladder to the monkey bars.

My heart stopped, but he made it.

Then he had no clue what to do.

He was too scared to let go with one hand and get to the next bar, and also thought it was too far to fall. Considering he jumped from the fort several times, I am not sure where this fear came from. So he just sat and screamed.

And screamed.

And cried.

And screamed some more.

The Hubs went to get him, and tried to encourage him to try to cross the bars or to jump down, but he was having none of that. So, eventually, The Hubs got him down. We thought that was the end of that.


Of course it wasn't.

And, of course, he waited until we were both back inside, in the basement before he tried again. Then the screaming started all over again. We thought he would just let himself drop, but no such luck. The Hubs went back out to get him, but the screaming kept on. Finally, I went outside to see what all the fuss was about. Apparently, he did drop to the ground, and was complaining that he hurt his knee so bad he, "Couldn't walk ever again."

He did actually stay on the ground and wouldn't move until finally The Hubs carried him inside where he continued to wail. He put ice on it to see if that would help, but no, it didn't. Eventually, I went over to take a look at the knee. There wasn't even a scratch on it. No bruise either.

I was just about to say, "You'll be fine in a bit," when I saw something funny. No, not a broken bone. It wasn't a dislocation either. It was a sting mark.

Yes, a bee sting.

When he fell on the ground, he landed on a bee and was stung.

Wait. It gets even more bizarre.

The bee...He was dead before The Little Man had even fallen on it.

The Hubs had noticed it earlier in the day when he was mowing, but figured since it was dead, he'd just leave it since it wouldn't hurt anyone.


Lesson learned: If you are on the monkey bars and you need to drop, check out the ground below. You could land on a dead bee and get stung.

I somehow feel like this could be just the beginning of a crazy Summer Break.

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