Monday, April 20, 2009

It's Crazy

Well, now that we've gotten all of that snow out of the way, I think we are ready to hit spring time! This week will be fab-u-lous.

All week.

I know I don't need to say much more than that.

Unfortunately, all the snow/rain we got in the three day storm, is now coming into our basement. I find this rather odd considering the house is over 15 years old and has NEVER had an issue up to this point.

We got A LOT of moisture, people.

And we are thankful.


So combine the awesome weather this week with about one million and twelve things to do (give or take a few), getting our carpets RE-cleaned (don't even ask because it is ugly), and just a basic feeling of overwhelmedness (that's not I word, I know this, but go with it), I am going to try to do my best to still be here this week.

I also vow to not come here unless I have something nice to say.

Which, when I am overwhelmed is difficult.

So, I might not be here.

But, pray that I will

Thank you.

Good night.

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