Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I May or May Not be Having a Hard Time With Him Turning 6


That is my son.

And he is swaddled.

I did pick him up, and carry him like that too.

In doing so, I totally hurt my arm.

He doesn't weigh as little as he did when I used to swaddle him like that before bed, from 0-4 months of age.

Seriously, though, as we were getting ready to go to bed the other night, The Little Man asked what it was like when he was a baby, and I would put him to bed.  After laughing together about how we used to call him our "Baby Burrito", he asked, "What do you mean, you wrapped me like a burrito?"  Seeing a large blanket on his bed, I thought, "Well, this could be fun."

And it was.

Except for the injured arm part.

That's what happens when you take things a little too far.

Someone always gets hurt.

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