In case you can't see the very small print that indicates the scent of this heavenly candle, it is Vanilla Coconut.
Oh, yes, it is.
The aroma that this candle gives off is like something from a dream. A dream in which I am on a beach that is far, far away. A dream where it is peaceful and warm. A dream where there is no worrying about skin cancer or wrinkles, so I feel free slather on the coconut oil and soak in the sun's rays (much like I did in my carefree teenage days).
(On a side note, if SPF 45 smelled like this, I would NEVER forget to reapply. Ever. No, in fact, I think it would become an everyday lotion. For everyone in my house.)
Every time I light this candle, that is where I will be. If you happen to drive by my home this winter and see a warm glow coming from the window, know that it is this candle, and I am doing my best to cope.
The End.
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