Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In an attempt to get the creative juices flowing (as if anything up until now has been creative), I thought I would do a few different types of posts, starting with this one.  I'm going to air some (somewhat) dirty laundry.

1.  Just so we all know, I totally stole the confessions idea from another blogger.  So it's not really creative on my part at all.
2.  I'm embarrassed because I know most of these confessions will leave people thinking "Really?  That's it?" I'm a pretty boring person.
3. I had to take The Little Man to get two more cavities filled today.  This is horrifying to me, but I try to make it sound like it's an everyday type thing to him because I don't want him to feel badly about it.  For the record, The Hubs and I still brush his teeth for him, so it's totally our fault either because we don't know how to brush teeth properly, or genetically.  Since The Girl has no cavities, and we also help her brush her teeth, I think it's a genetic thing.
4. I blame The Hubs' genes for number three.
5.  I am about as mature as a middle schooler when it comes to flatulence as well as jokes about body parts.  I can rarely say "nuts" or "balls", in any context, with a straight face.  Seriously, it's like I am 14.
6.  I despise bedtime.  Getting the kids in their jams, teeth brushed, stories read, and prayers said is painful for me.  I just want to get to the part where the house is quiet.  I feel even worse knowing that some parents find this time of the day enjoyable and it's their favorite part of the day.  And just to add a cherry on top of that guilt sundae, I think my kids find this part of the night their favorite as well.  I feel horrible even confessing this!  What parent doesn't like reading, snuggling, praying, and wrapping up the day with their kids? 
7.  After a few years in a row where I have thrown birthday parties for both kids in which I created cute invites, had themed decor, great crafts, and basically killed myself put a lot of effort towards making a special day for my kids, I am so excited about The Girls birthday party this year.  I am showing up, allowing someone else to run the show, packing up the gifts and my kids, writing a check, and going home.  THRILLED!  Even better: I don't have even an ounce of "Mommy Guilt" over this one.
8.  I just realized that I forgot all about goody bags for The Girl's party.  Dern. 
9.  I am seriously considering not having any goody bags.
10.  Even though The Hubs travels quite a bit for his job, there are times when I still get scared out of my mind about him going.   I literally have to be on my knees in prayer about it for days before hand, and for the time he is gone.  I feel like a baby about this.
11.  I have "control issues".  If I feel like I am out of control in one area of my life, I will transfer control to another area.  Totally praying through this "issue" this year.
12.  I'm neither a night owl or a morning person.  I like to think I hit my stride mid-day.  I am so thankful that I married someone who does not require as much sleep as I do. 
13.  The Hubs gets up with the kids everyday.  He gets them breakfast and makes sure they are getting ready for school.   I feel guilty about this.
14. I have work I should be doing, but I'm here instead. 
15.  I feel like we (The Hubs and I) are on the brink of some really big changes in our lives.  I can't quite put my finger on it, but through prayers, circumstances that we are enduring, and some pretty big shifts in our hearts recently, change is on the horizon.  I am terrified and excited all at the same time.  Sometimes I feel like it will happen any day now, and other times I feel like it could be a few years out yet.   We are praying for clarity and courage, and would love any prayers you may have to offer.

Ahhhh.  Confession feels good sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I just was strolling through blogs and what a cute one you have! Ahhh..confessions - I have a few of the same. :)

Check mine out if you have a chance:

~she~ said...

#6 - I'm with you! I just can't wait until everyone is in bed and I can be alone in the quietness! The bedtime prayers get faster and faster!

#13 - Good for you! Take advantage of it and don't feel at all guilty! My Hubs has been going for 2 hours or more when we first get up!