Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bringing More Mediocre News

Many things have happened, been said, and were totally blog-able in the last two weeks.  Life is super busy now that school is back in session, and before I know it, another week has zipped right past me.

Both kids have started up with their winter activities.  The Girl is in cheer leading and The Little Man is doing basketball.  I am happy to say, that both are enjoying them very much.  After last year's basketball season, the thought of asking The Girl if she wanted to play again this year, actually made me sweat a little. I was praying she would say no.  Let's just say that team sports are not her forte.  I was thrilled when she asked to do cheer leading instead.  I guess I was thrilled that she was steering clear of the team sport thing more so than the fact that she chose cheer leading.

After cheering at her first game last weekend, I can say, I am very happy with her choice.  It just fits her so well.  The Hubs actually was a little teary when we watched her cheer saying that it just made his heart so happy to see her doing something that made her so happy.  I am by no means saying that we have a future in the cheer leading business, but she is very happy cheering. So happy, in fact, she is going to be having a cheer party this year for her birthday (which she allowed me to throw her a full 3 weeks late, thankyouverymuch).

The Little Man also loves basketball.  This isn't his first season in basketball, but it is his first season where he actually plays "games" against another team.  I say "games" because our last "game" involved little people getting hold of a basketball and then looking for their parents in the stands with a face that said "Now what?" The parent that belonged to the child would then instruct them what to do next.  While most of the kids on the team are great at dribbling, passing, and shooting, I think it might be asking a bit much for five year olds to understand the "game" part of basketball.  They were all constantly confused on if  they should be asking for the ball and trying to get open or if they were supposed to be blocking the shot.  And what in the name is a re-bound?  Let's just say, it was a very LONG game.  Conveniently, I had a photo shoot scheduled for the second "game".  I am sure that by the end of the season, we will see considerable improvement in the "game" part of basketball.


We've also enjoyed a Snow Day.  Again, I don't know who gets more excited about getting out of school, me or the kids.  Well, actually, I know that The Girl was VERY excited.  She's been experiencing some dread towards school these days.  Again.  I think having time off from school actually makes it harder for her to want to go back, instead of the opposite.  Actually, the problem isn't school itself.  She likes her teacher, has friends, and enjoys learning.  She just hates homework.  And if you are going to school, you get homework.  Truth be told, I kind of agree with her.  I understand the purpose of homework, but they could ease up a bit.  Oh well. 

Because of the Snow day last week, a teacher in-service the week before, and now Martin Luther King Jr's birthday, we have had three four day weeks in a row.  I think that is pretty awesome.  Now, I just have to work on getting The Girl back into the swing of things.

Or we could just keep having snow days.

Of course I wouldn't be too happy about missing school for snow days in May.

I'm just never satisfied.

In other news, God was gracious and merciful to my mommy brain, and I was able to memorize my Bible verse by the middle of this month.  I took that as encouragement to try to tackle two verses a month instead of one.  My new verse is from Psalms and goes:

"But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.  I praise God for what he has promised.  I trust in  God, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me? -Psalm 56:3-4 NLT.

I have a feeling I will have plenty of opportunity to work this scripture into my head (and heart, prayerfully) while The Hubs does some traveling soon.  I am hoping that this verse will help remind me of all the times God has been so faithful to me with some fears that I struggle with.  I think it goes well with the second part of my scripture from earlier in the month "Finally brothers (sisters too!) whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things".  If I am thinking about such things, I should be remembering all that God has promised to me, and since He is trustworthy and faithful to His promises, I should not be afraid.   See how it all goes together?  Oh good, I love it when we are all on the same page.

Since I seem to be experiencing some writers block with the blog, I hope to be back this week a few times with some ideas that I am totally stealing from other bloggers.  I think they were cute ideas, and am hoping not only to get some fun information documented in the blog, but also get some creative juices flowing again.

We all will be thankful when that happens.

1 comment:

~she~ said...

Congrats on following through with your memorization!