Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now That it is Christmas Break...

Two days ago, the bliss that is Christmas break fell upon us.  Well, technically it was four days ago, if you count the weekend.  Since The Hubs and I made an escape this weekend to one of my most favorite places, Arizona, I am not really counting this past weekend.  Upon returning home, it has been busy, busy, and a little more busy.  I have decided that Christmas break should really be three weeks.  One week per major holiday, and then a week to recoup. 

I have a feeling that even if that was the case, I would still want more.

I'm so greedy like that.

Anyway, after doing copious amounts of laundry, sheet changing, errand running, and some more laundry, we did take some time yesterday to hit up the Nature and Science Museum in our city yesterday.   One of the very organized and overly wonderful moms I know set up a tour for a group of about 25 of us.  The tour took us through the museum and taught Creationism.  It was so wonderful and eye opening.  I loved that the kids and I were able to have this experience.  It was a great way to spend the day.

On the way home we were listening to music and singing along.  One of the main lines of a chorus had us all singing, "You are strength in my weakness..." Shortly after singing the line, The Little Man paused and asked me, "Mom, do you know what my weakness is?"  not really knowing what he would share with me I asked, "What's that?"

"Cheese.  Every time I see cheese I just have to eat it.  I love cheese!"

Me too, buddy.  Me too.

Other things on the list to do this week, besides eating cheese:

1. Finish Christmas shopping....I know...I know...
2. Wrap purchased gifts.
3. I have a very dreamy vision of this glorious day of baking with the kids.  There will be no frustration, tons of patience, and so much fun they'll be talking about it for Christmases to come.  I'll let you know how that turns out.
4.  Three family get togethers.
5. Christmas Eve services (which I am so excited about that I can barely stand it! We haven't been to Christmas Eve services in years because of family get-togethers).
6. Project Two Times Twelve.  I have a great idea for this...we'll see if it all pans out as great as I am thinking it will.
7. Witnessing The Girl read approximately 40 or so books.  Seriously, her nose has been in a book since break started.  I think she is on her 10th.
8.  Finish watching/catching up with The Sing Off.
9.  Possibly squeezing in a jammie day...not likely, though, until next week.
10.  Watching in amazement as my kids as they take in Christmas, and praying that the real miracle that we are celebrating is filling their hearts.

Looks like I better get a move on it!

1 comment:

~she~ said...

Sounds wonderful! I have a lot to catch up on too! And my kids start break tomorrow! Nothing like dragging it out!