Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program...Hopefully...

I am missing this place.  This place where I remember and record the everyday.  This place where I change my perspective on the often times mundane little details of my life as a mommy, and make them special.   This place where it's mostly about them, and only sometimes about me. 

I don't know if I have shared this before, but each year I turn this blog into a bound book as a gift to not only myself (hopefully, my children will read it one day), but also my mom and mother-in-law.  This past weekend, while spending time at my mom's house, I had some time to sit back and read my own blog.  As I perused through the first year my blog was around, I was taken back by all the details I took time to write down.  I think I hardly missed a day! While it may not have been overly exciting information to the rest of the world, I loved reliving those days I can't hardly even remember now.  I totally forgot about all The Little Man's little antics while he potty trained.  I forgot how I thought we would be in Potty Training World forever (although, admittedly, sometimes I think we visit a neighborhood fairly close by).  There were also many cute one-liners The Girl threw around that I thought I would never forget.  Guess what only three short years will do to you? 

I guess I could go on and on as I walk down memory lane with you all, the point being: I miss this place, I miss recording our lives more regularly, I miss making this a priority, and in the meantime, I am missing out on a future opportunities to sit back and recollect what my grandmother calls "The Golden Years".

Here's the kicker: I wish that this meant I would be promising to be here more.  However, I know that I would probably break that promise.  I am going to say that I am going to TRY to be here more.  I can't say that the quality will be all that great, not that it has up to this point anyway, but I do want to get down the details.  The small things I think I will remember, but don't.  If it's well written, well that will be the icing on the cake.  Otherwise, I will be fine with just merely record keeping.

With that, here's my favorite quote from this weekend taken from The Little Man after his daddy helped him in the shower.  We have been working on teaching him how to shower  by himself lately.  I can hardly wait for the day when I can say, "Son, go hop in the shower, " and he does.  And he comes out clean.  And I can trust that he got all the soap rinsed out of all the parts where soap shouldn't stay.  After he and his daddy finished up in the shower, The Little Man was in for some bonus lessons:

p: Mommy!  Guess what! 
me: What, buddy?
p: Daddy was teaching me how to take a shower!
me: I know bud.  Are you getting any better?
p: Yup!  I got so good that when I got done Daddy gave me some lotion lessons too!

Clean and moisturized.  Just the way I like 'em.

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