Well it looks like this is going to be the year of the vacation for me.
First, YAY!
Second, it could not have come soon enough.
Third, YAY!
In all of our ten years of marriage, can you believe that The Hubs and I last vacationed (and I mean out of this state) WITHOUT kids on our HONEYMOON! Yes, indeed, we've not been on a vacation together, just the two of us, since we got married.
In case you don't know (or you forgot) our honeymoon? Let's just say, it was less than stellar. While it started off nice, about midway through we both got horribly ill. We did feel better by the time we left to go home, but we were really ruined the whole rest of the trip. I had vowed, that I would NEVER return to that place again. The memories were enough for me.
Well, you know what happens when you say "never", right?
The Hubs works for a great company, and guess what! Just guess where they are sending us as part of his bonus last year? You got it. The same place I vowed I would never go to again. Since we aren't paying for it, I'm going to let it slide.
Also, since this winter has been pretty long lived, a little beach time sounded enticing.
Lastly, I might pack a whole suitcase of granola bars, Emergen-C, and other non-perishable food items.
Only slightly kidding with that last statement.
Anyway, it looked like there was a chance that I might not get to go for a while because there was this whole "Passport Issue". Since, clearly, I am quite the world traveler, it seemed as though my passport had expired...and also had my maiden name on it. I knew I needed to get it renewed since about, oh OCTOBER, but somehow I just kept forgetting. Thankfully, I did remember. Unfortunately, it was so close to the time we needed to leave that the post office dude said it would be such a close call he didn't think the passport would make it back to me in time.
Well, guess what? It came in the mail today! Turns out, I had plenty of time. I am oh so thankful to the post office dude, though, who talked me into spending more money for the expedited shipping.
Oh well. Truth be told, I probably would have been sweating bullets until the thing arrived had I not spent the extra cash. It just stinks now since it did come so much earlier. I guess I will never know if I wasted my money or not. One thing I do know is that my hubby won't have to go on this vacation alone. We will get to relive our honeymoon
together. I SO hope it isn't the same as last time. I think I heard someone say you can go to your doctor before hand and get medicine to help prevent this type of illness. If so, we are SO doing that.
Our second va-cay (our ten year anniversary present), will also involve mass quantities of beach time. It will be (hopefully) far removed from any honeymoon nightmares, er, memories, and will also involve no children. With that said, I have been frantically searching for swimwear. I know, I know, this topic has been shared on here before. I have finally diagnosed myself with being "Swimwear Challenged". It takes me a long time, and many different suits to find just what I am looking for. Then, the next summer, something crazy happens either to the suit itself or my body shape, and it no longer fits anymore. Knowing about these upcoming trips has had me deep in the swimwear trenches now for at least a month.
I do not want to discuss how wonderful it is to be trying on swimwear mid-winter, while pasty white, and
possibly still holding onto my extra layer of winter warmth.
Thrilling, I tell you.
I am, however, having fun finding beach type attire that is not of the swimwear variety. Think long flow-y type dresses. My gosh, I think I can feel the warm breeze flowing through them right now.
With my passport in hand, I am off to daydream of sunscreen, flip flops, sand, palm trees, and mass amounts of granola bars and Emergen-C.