Friday, January 15, 2010

I am Returning with Joy

I knew the day would come. I am thankful that it didn't take too long to come back to blogging because of the joy. Oh, the joy. The Doctors think that they have the shoulder thing under control, and there will be no antibiotics or craziness involved. Just a Cortisone shot and some exercises. How's that for an answer to prayer!

Right now, I am frantically trying to get everything put together/packed so I can head out of Dodge for the big race...which is totally why I am blogging. I just love to procrastinate. I am so happy at this moment. Not just to race, or get out of town, but that I have been allowed to even come this far. A half marathon may be nothing to some people, but for me it is a distance I thought was unattainable. Being riddled with injury after injury for the better part of two years, I thought I just wasn't made to run that far. Actually, I still don't think I am made to run that far, but through God's grace and mercy on me, He has allowed it.

I am so not worthy.

So today, as I was telling the kids that I was leaving for the weekend, The Little Man got upset. He was unsure who was going to sing his Baboo song to him every night. Without even skipping a beat his sister chimed in, "Don't worry buddy! While Mommy is gone, I'll come into your room and sing the Baboo song to you."

How sweet is that?

I love what a nurturing heart she has. I just hope it doesn't go away after being rejected by her brother.

The many lists are made, bags are packed, and meals organized. It's time to hit the road...running.

(I am so cheesy)

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