Monday, October 26, 2009

A Change of Face

I've just returned from a Mommy's Weekend Away. As much as it was so needed, I did actually miss everyone. It is still so surprising to me that I can find so much joy in being able to wake, eat, and in general, just do stuff WHEN EVER I WANT. It's weird because I don't really feel all that trapped in my everyday life, but when I have this small freedom, oh the freedom! It feels so good.

Oh ya, the good friends and food added to all the happiness.

Upon returning, it was back to the same song and dance. Back to school, sibling tiffs...uh, I mean love, and CHORES. Oh, the chores.

Although it shouldn't be funny when your kids are naughty, sometimes, it just is. Last night, The Little Man came out of the play room looking like this:

me: Buddy! What is all over your face?
p: Markers.
me: Why did you mark all over your face with markers?
p: Because I hit my sister with a toy.
me: What?
p: I hit sister with a toy so I wrote all over my face.
me: Huh? I heard you say that you hit your sister with a toy, but I don't know why you would write all over your face.
p: Because! I threw a toy at sister and it hit her right here (pointing to her his mouth)!

I really couldn't deliver a consequence for these shenanigans. Seriously, I can't figure out what was really going on, and also, I can't stop laughing at him for ratting himself out about something completely different than what I was originally inquiring about.

He did look a bit sorry and disappointed in himself if that helps.

He may have been trying to copy this look:

Hubs let him get his face painted this weekend during a Fall Festival in our neighborhood.

I was thankful that this morning, he felt like it was a better choice to do this instead:

No scrubbing required.

(I still can't get over him just sitting around watching TV like this.)

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