Tuesday, September 1, 2009

He's Back at It

Today was The Little Man's first day back in school. He has been counting down the days until pre-K, well, since his pre-school class got out in May.

OK, he did stop counting for a little bit over the summer, but once August rolled around, he was back to counting down the days.

The past two weeks have been blissful, yet hard. The Little Man has missed his sister so much since she started school. It's hard to see him so unhappy, yet it was blissful to have him all to myself. I'm selfish like that. Thankfully, we'll still have those days on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I am more convinced now than ever that keeping him at two days a week only was the right choice. I did add-on for him something called "Lunch Bunch". That's a fancy way of saying he gets to eat lunch at school. Instead of his typical three hour day, he's gone from 8:30 until 1pm! That is a long day for such a little dude. He loved it though, and was super excited this morning about packing/bringing his lunch to school today.

When I picked him up today I asked him how he liked eating his lunch at school with all of his friends. He said it was fun, but that he didn't eat lunch. What? He explained that he thought it would be more fun to play with his friends and save his lunch for when he got home when there was no one to play with.

So, he had to learn the hard way that school ended at the same time that nap time begins, therefore leaving no time to eat the lunch he should have eaten an hour and a half ago.

He was a pretty hungry kid come three o'clock.

I'm sure he'll eat the next time.

Also, he let me know that all of his other friends' moms packed cookies for their kids. His lunch was "too boring" to eat without the cookies.

I actually considered packing some cookies for Thursday's lunch. However, something tells me that he would bring home the entire lunch less the cookies.

Maybe, I'll use that as bait to get him to eat his lunch at school. Maybe I'll tell him that I'll pack cookies if he eats his whole lunch two times in a row.


That would change my whole "Mean Mommy who doesn't let her kid eat lunch until after nap, and doesn't pack cookies" image I have going for me.

OH! I almost forgot! His first day of school picture!

I took this with my phone today.


Sometimes I use the camera in my phone.

I completely forgot to take pictures of The Little Man with all the packing-the-lunch-fuss we had going on this morning. As we walked into the building, I realized this fact.

me: Oh no! I forgot my camera! Now I won't have any pictures of you on your first day.
p: It's OK mom. You can just take pictures of me on the next day. You won't know.
me: (slightly relieved that he doesn't care, but sad that I won't have pictures of THIS day) I know, but I want them to be of the first day. I guess the second day will have to work.
p: Ya, take them on the second day.

How sweet is he? It almost made it worse.

Then. THEN! I saw some other mom using her camera phone, and I realized I had been saved! As I walked The Little Man down the hall to his classroom, there was yet another mom with her "Big Gun" camera out taking pictures of her little girl. I was jealous and mad at myself again.

I guess after my fourth year at that pre-school, the novelty of it all had worn off. I'm still sad that it was at the expense of The Little Man's first day of pre-K.

During my time alone, I soothed myself with a coffee out with a friend, a run, a long shower, and then a yummy lunch.

So, I guess you can say, I am over it.

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