Thursday, May 30, 2013

Crossing The Finish Line

We made it!  Today was the last day of first and fourth grade.  Also, the last day of the fastest school year to-date.  No kidding, this crazy train gets faster each year.  I never knew days, weeks, and months could accumulate so quickly until I had kids.  And just when I think time can't possibly go any faster, it does.   This year, especially, I feel like we were just getting into a good groove, and then it was over.  It must have been all the extra activities we were involved in after school.  Or maybe that they were both gone all day?  Whatever it was, it was good. 

Summer? I need you to put on the breaks.  I can't believe you are here already, and I want to soak up every glorious second you have to offer us.   Also, I can't face the fact that my babies are now second and fifth graders.  Middle school is breathing down our neck with her hot breath.  To say I'm uncomfortable would be an understatement. 

In the meantime, I'm starving for some late nights, later mornings, warm days, dips in the pool, flip-flops, no schedule, short hair,  painted toenails, lots of reading, and tons of family time. 

Summer, we welcome you!

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