Tuesday, June 12, 2012

You Say It's Your Birthday!

Dearest Little Man,

You love birthdays.  Not just your birthday, but every one's birthday.  You love to celebrate so much that the day after your birthday, you are already looking forward to next year's bash.  You mark the year not by seasons, but by your quarter, half, and three quarters birthdays.  And today is your day.  Happy Birthday!

Words cannot describe how much I have loved watching you grow this past year.  You have matured so much and learned so many new things.  You were a leader in your kindergarten class, you made lots of new friends, and you love math and reading.  When you aren't at school you love being in charge of the TV and insist upon "Good Luck Charlie", "Tom and Jerry", or "Scooby Doo".   You were also an awesome basketball player, a scooter riding fool, and recently a bike crazed dude.  If it's too cold outside, you can be found defeating all sorts of different  bad guys and worlds on your DSi, or building ships or different Lego sets.

You are also sweet and cuddly.  One thing I will miss, with you being in school all day next year, are our mornings together as you sit on my lap and snuggle up.  You are tender to others feelings and know right away if someone is hurt, upset, or angry.   You are a natural born peace-maker and will easily give up doing things your way in order to keep the peace and maintain a fun time with all involved.   Your sister is still your best friend, and you laugh when she laughs and cry when she cries.

You are one amazing kid!  I love watching you grow and feel so blessed that God has entrusted you to your father and I.  I pray that in this next year you would continue to recognize how cherished and loved you are by God.  I pray that you will become all that He has planned for you to be, and never fall prey to the enemies lies.  More than anything, I pray that you will know, love, and serve the Lord with all of your heart, mind, strength, and soul. 

You are such a special gift to our family!


P.S. Here's your birthday montage and your seven year old pictures:


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